One Q emulsion has a smooth and creamy texture with orange fragrance which is enriched with vitamin C. Apart from five classes of nutrients, in order to support children healthy growth and development, vitamins and minerals especially vitamin C play an incredible role in a range of actions in body like living, breathing entity, capable of running, laughing, as well as learning in a child. Children is often infected by common cold illness as their week defense mechanism against germs.
However, their immune system still can be supported and maintained with vitamin C. Moreover, vitamin C as an antioxidant can reduce the free radical damage to body cell of the children.
In addition, with consuming adequate amounts of vitamin C aids in healthy bone and teeth growth particularly significantly for rapid periods of growth of children. Vitamin C also supports skin health by maintaining collagen formation and wound healing. Absorption of dietary iron, another nutrient needed by children for growth and development also supports by vitamin C.
Thus, with daily consumption of vitamin C, parents no longer to worry about the growth of children. It is very meaningful joy as a loving parent to see their children pass through each and every step of marvelous journey with accompany of One Q Wellness Emulsion with Vitamin C.