p span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); font-family: Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 文泉驛正黑, 'WenQuanYi Zen Hei', 'Hiragino Sans GB', '儷黑 Pro', 'LiHei Pro', 'Heiti TC', 微軟正黑體, 'Microsoft JhengHei UI', 'Microsoft JhengHei', sans-serif; white-space: pre-wrap;" FLEXIJOINT 1500MG POWDER is indicated as adjunct therapy for osteoarthritis. How to take it: Initial: Take the content of 1 sachet (dissolved in water) once daily before meal. The initial therapy should be taken for at least 3 months (or as directed by healthcare professional) to get the full benefits of this product. Maintenance: Take the content of 1 sachet (dissolved in water) once daily before meal. Following the initial 3 months therapy, dose can be increased or decreased based on individual response. What does it contains: Each sachet of FLEXIJOINT 1500MG POWDER contains Glucosamine Sulphate 1500mg. Available pack size: Box of 4g x 30 sachets. How it looks like: FLEXIJOINT 1500MG POWDER is in the form of white coloured powder. /span /p